Monday 20 May 2013

140 characters that could change the world

I told you this blog was diverse. My niche is not to have a niche, which is a niche in itself. Anyway time for a useful post... kinda.

Imagine a world without social media? Crazy isn't it to think that this world used to exist. Having completed my first weekend as a blogger (and feeling particularly chuffed with myself), I couldn't help but think about how social media has changed the face of the world. A little bit sad I know, but its true. Someone has to contemplate these things! Me finding out about social media is on the same level of excitement as finding out about Nandos, at first you don't really understand then the more you get involved, the better it becomes! Twitter is like the Halloumi cheese, It's an extra that keeps you wanting more!
Trying to move away from Nandos, modern day lives revolve around the media. I can't even watch TV these days without checking my phone every 5 minutes. And if not the phone, the ipad and if not the ipad the laptop... You get the idea anyway. And if I'm in Nando's ooops I mentioned it again, I'll probably be 'checking-in' to make my followers jealous, It's a big deal you know! 

Facebook used to be the real deal. Everyone was getting involved, but recently Twitter has become the in thing. Facebook has got old, boring and more of a picture sharing database than an interaction tool. Maybe this is the reason behind hundreds of ridiculous videos being uploaded, ranging from bottles being put in places they shouldn't, condoms going through the nose and coming out the mouth and how could I forget, the occasional public beheading.  Disgusting I know, but my curiousness always means I have a gander and then wish I hadn't and lets face it, you do too. Although, Facebook is good for a cheeky game of scrabble with the GF, it lets me unleash the 70 year old in me, sitting down playing scrabble and moaning about life.

Want a weird fact about Facebook -----> Links about sex are 90% more likely to be shared than any other link. Exactly, a paedophile and pervert playground springs to mind! I'm sure the set of Coronation street have a few dodgy accounts on there... 
So my verdict on Facebook...

So why is Twitter better?

Simple, you choose what you receive and as I've always said "If you can't take, don't receive". You follow who you want to follow and you wont get a news feed clogged with random rubbish that your 'friend' liked. Oh and you wont get that annoying friends life story about how they've had a crap day or how they're 'so over their ex' (If you're over your ex, stop bloody talking about them!!!!!! Annoying Pricks) as a tweet is limited to 140 characters. 140 characters to sum up a current mood or situation, sounds ideal to me, short and to the point. Sling in a hastag or two, get a topic trending, the excitement almost becomes unbearable. 

Facts about twitter...
This is becoming a bit of a Chambré regular, creating a post and throwing in some facts or quotes. Just trying to keep it fun! Who doesn't like a couple of interesting facts? I might even make a post just on facts and that is a fact in itself.
The London Olympics generated over a 150 million tweets in 16 days. WOW!
There are more devices connected to twitter than there are people on the planet.
Twitter is simpler than Facebook and packs more useful uses.
Political figures are using Twitter to boost their reputations. Twitter is on the right track to changing the world. We are part of the revolution!

In a nutshell ditch the Facebook and become a serial tweeter. Tweeting isn't cheating. Want to promote a blog, tweet it. Just seen a man running naked down the street? snap it and tweet it (Weird things like that are made for sharing, as weird as it is). Life is simpler with twitter. 

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