Monday 20 May 2013

The summer ahead

So I've said a few things that I wanted to share with the world. Well not with the world but with anyone that's willing to listen. I feel my blog is like an old lady at a bus stop, that just wants to chat to you about a load of things you couldn't care about and yet your forced to listen. AND YOU WILL BE FORCED TO LISTEN!

However, the 8 post mark is a good point to begin another 'get to know the blogger session'. And guess what? This time round I'm sat at the dining table, watching top gear and drinking pear and apple squash (Possibly the best squash ever). For those of you who read my first post, 'Time to introduce myself', will realise that my life is very hectic at the moment hahahahahahah I joke, I've got more time on my hands than a sloth on vacation. The foundations of this blog are unfortunately built on boredom but the motivations are now of the fun it brings. I'm hoping this summer will be fun! I want to share with you the things I have planned (This 'get to know you' lark, has just got abit more serious). If this blog was a relationship, this would be the second date so brace yourselves!

This summer, apart from spending it all waiting for that round thing in the sky, I have a few fun things lined up. Summer in the UK is basically a season of complaining about where the sun is! And then when the bugger appears, every Tom, Dick and Harry complains about how its too hot. Sucks to that, the hotter the better. I want to strut around in  shorts and a t shirt sweating at the thought of moving, that's what I'd call a good summer!
Anyway the summer of 2013, Aka 2k13 for the cooler readers (no pun intended), is the summer of events.

Before I get stuck into what's happening, I've had to hand my notice in at my current part time job, doing delivery driving for Avis. I've been there for two years now, working in-between my studies and the place is literally the best part time job ever! Amongst all the banter between the lads, you also get to drive Beamers and Mercs around the Oxfordshire countryside. Pure Bliss. Better than standing in a shop any day. The only downside is having to get into Oxford for 8am when I'm working, which is far from ideal, but you can't have everything. Although that's not for the want of trying!

First event that's on the Chambré calendar however, is the British Grand Prix. Easily a highlight of the year. I've been once before and I have to say it was brilliant. Who'd have thought sitting in one corner of a 2 mile track could be so good, but it is. Harriet, the gf, also follows F1, so as a smart 21st birthday present, I bought her a pair of tickets. Cunning eh. Harriet gets a good birthday present and I also get to go to the F1 (This always reminds me of the Simpsons, when Homer buys Marge a bowling ball for her birthday! I have to say Homer, great minds think alike). An added bonus is to sit by the helicopter port at the track, if you're trendy you come by helicopter. We are not that trendy. Watching streams of helicopters come in is actually quite fun. #IKnowImBoring.

Secondly is the most productive thing I'm going to do. As part of my university degree, I have a placement lined up with a company called Ridgeway, specialising in website design and management. The placement is a year long and I literally can't wait, although I am a little nervous. Having studied marketing in depth for two years, I now have to go out and put it all to good use. SCARY! And the focus is on good use, not just use. No doubt I will blog on this later in the year, watch this space. Well not this space but this general area, you know what I mean!

Having gone to Radio 1's Hackney weekend last year, I have to say I've caught the festival bug. Hackney was a brilliant experience and when we got off the train, the locals even greeted us to a friendly "Piss off back to Leeds"! I couldn't help but think that's the festival, feel good spirit!
 At the start I wasn't in the best of moods after complaining that I was going to miss the England v Italy football match. I love football, especially the tournament stuff. I also am an idiot. If I'd of missed that for a game of footy, which England predictable lost, I would never of been able to live it down. Credit to Harriet and her sister for making me man up and stop being a prat. Anyway, on consecutive weekends, I shall be venturing to the Olympic Park to the Wireless festival and Mumford and Sons gigs. Exciting! Although these are genuine festivals, so I need to find some genuine festival attire. Maybe a onesie would cut it? I will need to find a festival blog I feel. Its time to get trendy with the 'cool' kids.

Before Harriet jets off to India for a month, leaving me to fend for myself daunting prospect, her family have invited me down for a couple of days in Cornish land! I went last year and this was immensely fun! Its a camping holiday, I hate camping but it was a good laugh. I've never been slated so much for drinking lager by the 'lads' of the holiday (Apparently that's not a drink, but I've always though it was? If its not a drink, what is it, food?) but its the kind of banter that's banted about and if I'm honest, I thrive on it. The camp-site is situated right on the polzeath beach which is apparently good for surfing. I am led to disagree. Last year I caught about two waves. I personally feel the wave machine was broken! You lose all dignity when everyone's catching waves while I'm trying to hoist my belly onto a board, which is effort enough, let alone sinking once I am on. Not Ideal. And this surfing was serious! Every beach holiday I've gone to previously, requires some trunks and a bucket and spade (With flags if your lucky enough). Not this one. Everyone's donning wetsuits and the proper gear. I felt a bit like a car with no wheels. Yeah I looked the part but I was useless at what I was dressed for. But hopefully with a little more lager, I'll be a tad better this year.

So that is my summer in a blog post. I was in the midst of toying with the idea of going to Kavos on a lads holiday but I soon realised that the party animal in me, had vacated a while ago. Maybe I'm growing up? I very much doubt it.

Now you really know me. Told you this relationship can work


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha summer in Ireland is much the same, wondering where the sun can be hiding! I really like your blog! :)