Friday 17 May 2013

Chambré on Campus

As my second year at university has drawn to a close, I feel it would be useful to blog on how my expectations have compared to what it has been like in reality. Yes, I've started a new blog and my first genuine post is aimed at being useful, which is all an elaborate ploy to get followers, then I can start chatting about all the random crap that's floating around in my head and preech it to the masses (I joke).

So two annoying/observational things about university:

  • 'The freshers idiot': I'm not going to lie, my freshers experience was pretty dull, I wasn't enjoying being away from home and therefore opted to go home and get a pep talk from my Dad, basically telling me that working in Tesco is not ideal if I was to drop out. Either way I know an idiot when I see one and to be honest, I saw plenty. Around all halls, there will always be a set of lads who seek to get as drunk as possible, assume that they are hilarious and re-enact scenes from Inbetweeners at any given opportunity, then to brag about it on the halls Facebook page thinking that they're the dogs proverbial, when actually they're not. Little do they realise that they have just achieved the 'Freshers Idiots' status. I'm not saying this isn't fun, but banter cannot be forced, it occurs naturally.
  • 'The lecturer idiot': All through 6th form we where lectured on how university is such a big step up and that everything changes including living away from home and the teaching style. This is all well and true but there will be at least one, if not two lecturers that, in simple terms, really don't have a clue what's going on and you will find yourself asking how they even got the job in the first place. For example, in my first year, me and my course mate decided to Google definitions off of a power point so we could get the source of the reference. In our investigations we found that our lecturer was actually using power points off of an open share site which is not cool and pretty much cheating. In second year we found that a lecturer was using Wikipedia as a reliable source, which is ridiculous really. Although Wikipedia is an absolute god-sent of a tool when revising, it shouldn't be used by the lecturer, which makes them idiots. 
University is a good laugh though and you get to meet all types of people, even the stupid ones and it's probably the stupid ones that will read this and think I'm a grumpy old git for slating the 'freshers' wannabes. Either way that's my opinion on university to date, well the two annoying outcomes of it. Needless to say I've been on the receiving end of making a prat of myself on a night out, resulting in me having to change the bed sheets, but thats another post for another day I feel.

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