Wednesday 22 May 2013

Harriet Blogs

Hi everyone, Harriet here!

Chris has come to stay with me at uni for the night so I thought this was a perfect opportunity to hack into his blog and give you all a little more insight into the man himself. So here are 10 things you might want to know:

1. He would like to get a dog and name it Spud, but his Mum and Dad said no

2. His family don't own a microwave. I find this very odd, it's 2013.

3. In the whole time we have been together (over 2 years) Chris has bought me flowers a grand total of once. And who said romance was dead?

4. Chris would like us to go on holiday to Abu Dhabi just so he can go to 'Ferrari World'. I said no.

5. Chris think's he's funny,he's not.

6. When he's driving in his car Chris likes to sing along and pretend he can rap, when really he doesn't even know the words.

7. If Chris is out of bed before midday, unless he absolutely has to be, it's a minor miracle.

8. He spends more time on his hair than I do on mine, even though he has about a centimetre of it. He also spends more money on clothes than me.

9. He says he loves me more than football and his XBox, but sometimes it's hard to tell

10. Chris really likes writing his blog so please keep reading it!

Most photos of us end up like this...

Rarely do they end up like this!

Thanks for reading!

Harriet x

Also, check out my blog too if you fancy:

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